
By StillLearning


When I joined the camera club, I knew it would come to this.  Competitions.  We have had internal ones and they've been fine.  But last night an external offered his judgement.  Serious stuff.  And feedback is to be treated as a gift.

The portfolio of irises I did was quite well received.  Only it wasn't a portfolio it was a panel, and I didn't use enough masking tape to stick the photos down and the mounts were slightly different shades of white.  I didn't score badly and I have no complaints about those who scored higher.  Learning : attention to detail.

Some nice comments too about the portraits I submitted.  Except the one I liked most was too grainy.  I had to resize to enter and I think that might have made a difference.  Learning : find out more about resizing.

These are the first proper crits I have received and, after all the defensiveness has gone, I am pleased but there is much learning to be done.

The blip is of an iris seed pod.  The judge quite liked the one I submitted as part of the panel.  I quite like the leathery quality of seed head.

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