Inaugural Prep

Today I went downtown to check out the preps for tomorrow's event (which I'll neither attend nor watch). It took a bit of doing for all the barriers, fences and closures around that central part of Washington. 

Two things struck me: the number of portable toilets and the number of Trump supporters milling around (I'll let you draw your own conclusions). The toilets are owned by a company called Don's Johns and that label had been carefully covered by tape on everyone of the thousands of toilets. 

As for the supporters, I could hardly stand their sight: smug, loud, trashy, badly made over and dressed (the women seeming to favor a Kardashian style) and sporting less than inspiring slogans (see extra). Annoying to the human being in me; fascinating to the documentary photographer in me.

I decided to save my energy for Saturday's march :)

thanks so much for all the appreciation for yesterday's blip :)

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