Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Kids camp: day 9

OK, here's the "official" camp portrait, taken by son #1, before noon just as we've loaded all their stuff on the boat for the trip to the car, ferry and car home to Seattle. Does anyone look worn out? While we were taking them to the marina, the weather changed - it got cooler and windier. "Chance of rain" is predicted (believe that when it happens..) but we have done some end of season chores and put stuff away just in case. So I'm going to post this early; 2:30, not 10:00 PM, and not look at the camera til tomorrow! Might take a nap! Or read a book! It's beautifully QUIET!

But first the 2012 camp evaluation: Happy they went home intact, altho we ran out of bandaids. They ate Swedish pancakes every single morning and spent countless hours with their iPods and the game "mine craft" (which I do not need to get!) when we weren't directing them to some outdoor activity.(which we did a lot!) The DSs which they also brought never got opened - guess those games are over. (?) Oskar played with my ipad a lot and it's still in one piece, thank heavens. They caught frogs (those red-legged "at-risk" ones..) and turned over many rocks on the beach. Niklas drove the golf cart whenever he could talk one of us to come with him, and the boys "roughhoused" a lot. Tatum had very few "snits" and there was much merriment and laughter. I don't need to see Spiderman 3 again or read Percy Jackson and the Labyrinth. (Percy Jackson is a "demigod" with ADHD, some of whose issues Oskar could relate to, so this is a good series for them.....but too complicated for me! this was book#4. think I will read #1!) All in all, a success! Lots of just plain "kid play". MY main complaint is NOISE. Will Fiona be ready next year????

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