My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Stormy Weather

I'll bet you thought I'd been forgetting to fill in the blanks.

Well to tell the truth.

I had!

So I'm rectifying that right now!

I'd taken my blips and had stored them but hadn't gotten round to posting them up.

After last-nights Testimonial meeting there was a party, to which some of the riders and supporters attended.

Well of course we were there too!

Part of the evenings events was an auction of some of the race-jackets worn and then signed by their respective owners.

I had my eye on one of them right from the start.

But would I get it?

That was the $1,000,000 question!

Well the auction started and the bidding began and the prices got higher with each LOT

I raised my hand a few times.

Mrs blip raised her eyebrow!

So I let a few go.

But then the captains jacket, the testimonial man himself.
Signed by all the riders who'd participated in the meeting.

There was great interest in this and hands were going up all over the room, mines included!

It's so easy to get carried away at these events but I know my limits.

And in the end it became a two man, well two garage race.

I wasn't too disappointed as this wasn't the jacket I really wanted.

A little later I got my chance, determined to have this one, I didn't falter and kept my bid up and surprisingly the other bidders gave up quicker than I'd anticipated.

So, I got the jacket I'd wanted, for a price that was mutually satisfactory.

And Mrs blip was still talking to me.

AND 'Stormy' signed it too!

Result :)

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