
A day off...Although I woke up at work and then home via torture at Tesco.

I then scooted off to the local carriage driving group session. It was a desensitisation session so lots of groundwork and long reining inside an arena dotted with all sorts of 'monsters'. An open umbrella, space hoppers, cones to work around, a square of carpet to walk over...all sorts. So lovely to watch everyone working their horses and such a good session for the horses to learn from. This is Nettie, the youngest Friesian, fluttering her eyelashes at a bonny gelding across the way.

Back home, myself, Gorgeous and the dogs kitted up to go out cycling. A small ride of 8 quite hilly miles with a couple of off road sections - My favorite :)

Back home, I had a sneaky snooze to catch up on some lost sleep last night and when I woke, there was a roast chicken dinner cooking in the oven. A fab Sunday.

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