
Dogs walked, I dropped them off with the In-Laws and then headed off to do some horsing. A bit of poop shovelling to warm up then on to get Rosie and Willie groomed. George came up with a suggestion and after talking it through, we agreed to give it a whirl...with the agreement that should it not work, we'd abandon the plan. So...Rosie was hitched up to the cart and Willie hitched up in front of her, me riding. It all went like a dream, they could not have behaved any calmer or better. It was as if they'd been doing it all their lives. They shared the pull nicely and Willie, I think, took great comfort in having a human in close contact. They arrived back home comfortable and not breathing hard, having shared the load. Just brilliant. We stopped for a photo opportunity along the way.

I then collected the dogs and walked at the shore for an hour in stunning weather. Back home and reunited with Gorgeous who had just returned from a 15mile bike ride. A best day ever all round. 

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