Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Shooting the sun

This morning was very foggy round here.  I thought I'd walk down to the Cathedral Green for a different kind of shot, but by the time I'd got half way I had to admit it wasn't working.  The fog had frozen on every surface from twigs to roadway and pavement, making it lethally slippery, so I peeled off to the nature reserve instead.  The grass was so solid it was like walking on the surface of the moon, but at least my boots could grip.

Anyway, it meant I missed the best of the fog (photographically speaking), but I was down by the river when the sun began tentatively to break through.  How to capture it though, as well as showing the whiteness on the riverbank.  Yep, do it by reflection!

However, looking just now at the inspirational pictures of the marches around the world made me wish I'd joined the one in Southampton yesterday.  Wonderful women!

Have a good evening  xx

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