
By HareBrain

Jugged Hare(s)

The Raku Winter Hare joins Moongazer on top of my dresser with some of the jugs from my collection. Now that we have downsized I have had to cull my collection considerably. The small house is now taken up with much more important things such as large model aeroplanes which hang from quite a few of the ceilings - I have banned them from the bedroom and sitting room though!

The weather has been horrid all day so Tigger has returned home this afternoon from the gliding club after a strenuous task week which not only entails flying as many types of sailplane gliders as he can, weather allowing, but also rather social evenings as well!! He has come home thoroughly exhausted, but having had a great time. Yesterday there was hang gliding and para gliding comps on the other side of the ridge from where Tigger's Gliding Club is and sadly one of them fell out of the sky and had a bad landing which required the Air Ambulance to attend. The land ambulance crew came and had a cup of tea with us and told us that the injury to the person was not too severe but had to be whisked off in the air ambulance to the Shrewsbury Hospital. Hope that person is more comfortable today?

So after a week of working late and trying to complete Tigger's online photo book for his Birthday in a couple of weeks' time, housework and the dreaded ironing etc. have all gone to pot and now I must cook real meals again. I know one thing, there will be no jugged hare on the menu tonight, Hares being one of my all time favourite animals.

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