
By Missycat

TinyTuesday87 Earrings from India

I was very busy with work of the paid variety today and so missed the opportunity to find a TT blip outdoors: by the time I thought about it the light was fading, so back to the jewellery box it was!

I bought these earrings on the first  of our three trips to India with daughter #2's school.  These wonderful trips were unlike anything else that you might imagine a school trip to be, taking us primarily to a  Christian Ashram  in Tamil Nadu and each year visiting other nearby places.

The featured earrings were bought in 2006, from  the hotel that we stayed at in Madurai, the Hotel supreme as I recall.  I'm not sure what the stones are, but I remember  that they did not cost a great deal.  Although I love them (I'm not a discreet jewellery person) I don't wear them that often as they are quite heavy.

Many thanks to Jensphotos for hosting this month: her own TT shot is of droplets of astonishing clarity.

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