Wreathed in Mist

The weather seemed to change so quickly today, like it couldn't make up its mind! When I left home to go into town it was quite misty. As I walked along, I noticed the sun was burning off the mist - it seemed like it was being rolled away. When I got to the road Bridge to cross into town, I noticed that the sky was mainly blue, other than around the Cathedral, so I took a few shots of it with the mist swirling around it. 

Shortly after, the mist cleared away completely leaving beautifully clear sunny skies, but by the time I was going home a couple of hours later, it was very cloudy.

Walking home took longer than I expected as I stopped to chat to a current colleague and a little further down the road, my former boss. 

I've done a few minor things that needed doing, including stocking up on some of my favourite skincare products while they were 25% off in Boots. 

I popped into the Lincoln Cat Care charity shop, as I'd been told that their paperback books were 10p each. I bought a copy of Maestra by L. S. Hilton. I'd read reviews on it and it sounds good, and for 10p you can't go wrong really!

Tesco shop to look forward to (if that's the right phrase!) tonight. 

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