
Dainty little Snowdrop 
Peeping through the snow 
You are so beautiful and white 
How gracefully you grow. Dear, dainty little Snowdrop 
So brave for one so small 
You push your way through the hard, hard soil 
To give pleasure to us all. Beautiful little Snowdrop 
You are a harbinger of Spring 
We know full well when you are gone 
Other flowers will begin. But for all the beauty of other flowers 
There are none that compare 
With you, dear little Snowdrop 
So dainty and so fair. And so dear little Snowdrop 
Your beauty will always shine 
And give us mortals pleasure 
Time after time after time. 
Peggy Crossley
A lovely poem by the above poet just sums up the snowdrop perfectly.
How lovely it was to see them today near Blair Drummond before we went for a walk round Quarry loch.No sign of the kingfisher today!

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