Wide Angle Distortion

The old roller has been in this field for a very long time - it doesn't look as if it's been used in recent years anyway.  Today the weather started with frost and fog, but changed to grey, misty and cold.  I took the camera and wide angle lens out with me and the dog during the afternoon, when all chance of a ray or two from the sun was gone!  I used a kit lens 18-55 at first on a cropped sensor camera but then switched to my lovely 12mm samyang which gives awesome distortions. The 12mm can be used on either format camera but I think the full frame actually gives best results.  
Of course, being very wide angle, it's tricky keeping one's feet out of the shot and, having managed that, the poor dog (patiently waiting) was in the way as well, and I had to move her!  The farm roller is quite distorted but the distortion shows most in the horizon, which is anything but straight.

Off to Buckingham Camera Club this evening - my first appearance there of 2017 - they might have forgotten who I am!

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