Three birds...

...flying out of the moon...

I was far too tired to do a painting tonight. I have been out all day, and only got home a couple of hours ago. This is my best effort for today's painting.
Acrylics in Paynes Grey, Warm Grey, and Titanium White. But as I was doing the moon I accidentally touched a tube of Gamboge Yellow that was leaking. So the moon got a yellow tinge. The three birds were drawn with my Japanese brush pen. The foliage at the bottom was a thick brush dabbed in Paynes Grey and Titanium White. I think it was quite effective for a very quick painting that took well less than half an hour, might have been just 15 mins.
I can see much better pics I could be doing but I need time, which I have had precious little of the last few days. I have a pile of commitments tomorrow, so long day again. But on Tuesday (couple of days ago), I cancelled Friday, but brought half of Friday forward to Tuesday to leave me a run of 3 days free...Friday, Saturday and Sunday!!

Today I was looking for grey acrylics, and some lime yellow acrylic for something special. Not an easy task as it turned out. I got some grey, and the lime yellow, but as I was waiting at the till in another shop that sells everything, I noticed a guy buying two rolls white and grey paper, and some lime yellow emulsion paint for his kitchen. And I am thinking...that his huge tub of lime yellow emulsion cost the same as my 5 small tubes of lime yellow acrylics...

Could I do my paintings in household emulsion??? I don't know but the difference in cost makes it a tempting proposition...

Anyway, too tired to look at my purchases today.

This is my contribution for a pic every day in 2017...and I am yawning so much and so wide that a herd of elephants could accidentally wander in my mouth...

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