I Gotcha!

We have not seen too many chipmunks around here this summer, but R spotted one yesterday back by our garden shed.

This morning I set up the camera and put out some peanuts.  I sat in the back sunroom and waited.  The only takers I got where a few female cardinals.  I was about to give up when I looked over at the birdfeeder and spotted this little chippy on the ground.  I just about screamed! Why was he over on the ground when I had the camera set up in an entirely different location?!?! So frustrating!

I figured I had nothing to lose so I went out and grabbed the camera and walked toward the little guy.  I was quite surprised how close he allowed me to get.  But I wanted something better.  Selfish, I know!

I put some peanuts on this squash, set up the camera again and waited once more!  I didn't have to wait long!

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