Seven years

No, not the time it is taking me to decorate our bedroom!!
It is seven years since we collected Dylan from the Wildlfe Sanctuary. He was at least two years old then, but he is probably ten or eleven now, quite an old boy. However, you wouldn't have thought so when he was giving me the run around in the garden when I was trying to catch him to take him in for the night!!!!
I've been papering today. It's one of these wallpapers where you paste the wall not the paper and I'm not too sure of it!
I've had my share of disasters over the years.
Putting up the paper upside down, not letting the paste soak in resulting in lots of bubbles etc
But the one that sticks in my mind most is when I decided to tidy up all the extra bits from the top and bottom when I finished. Well, after three days, all these extra bits had stuck to the wooden floor and I had to spend hours scraping them off. I don't remember reading about that in a DIY book!!!

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