Giacometti with Picasso

We went to the Picasso Museum in Paris today, for an exhibition entitled Picasso-Giacometti. The friendship between the two artists began in the early 1930s and continued into the 1950s, and the show includes over two  hundred items--including notebooks and other documents--which throw light on their relationship. Giacometti has been a favorite of mine for decades and, not surprisingly,  I was more drawn by his works in the show than those of Picasso. There is no question for me of the latter's brilliance; it is a matter of emotional empathy.  The statue is a version of Giacometti's Walking Man  from 1960 (I neglected to photograph the caption; I'll try to have a peek at the catalogue somewhere and provide greater precision.

Last March I saw the exhibition of Picasso's sculptures here (which came from New York's MoMA), and I posted two images (as extras) from the same  location in the museum. (I'll try to continue this series on future visits--it's a dramatic central spot at the bottom of the main staircase to the first floor, from which I took this blip.) 

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