Calm After The Storm

Our poor visitors got a rude awakening to the wild fluctuations in Kintyre weather today. After 3 days of pretty good weather it turned stormy overnight with heavy rain and strong south easterly winds. They even had to move their car to the back of the house to get it packed in relative shelter. At least they would have a tail wind as they headed north on the first part of their journey!

Mrs B and some of her girlfriends were on the road before our visitors heading to Peebles for a few days of pampering. Having looked after all our summer guests Mrs B deserves a wee rest and being spoilt for a couple of days. It also means I get some well earned peace and quiet, although first I had to do all the housework and a pile of washing and ironing. Not really my scene but it has to be done.

By early evening the wind and rain had abated and I ventured out for a walk. Amazing how the weather can change so quickly with the turbulent waters of the river now reduced to a calm and more gently moving mass of murkiness. Some chinks even appeared in the clouds with the setting sun behind the hills casting warm colours on the clouds, some still heavily laden with rain.

As I type the wind has got up again and the rain is battering off the front windows. Guess we must have been in the eye of the storm earlier!

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