Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Settling in 2

Almost there! Here's the rest of my bedroom room I blipped yesterday.

It's not just the unpacking and placing of stuff but everything needs a wee clean too as its so dusty and sandy here. Went to buy food in when I was already losing energy only to find that our local preferred supermarket Metro has closed down!! Disaster! It was often my mid week wander out to buy a few bits and bobs. Wearily, I had no choice but to backtrack, walk past the flat and go to 'the other one'. I'm grateful that it's there, but it's disorganised, not a great stock, and everything is huge - huge packs for families. The feta cheese I bought will last forever, as will the tub of butter spread. I stopped at the pack of 10 cucumbers. Single people living alone are definitely in the minority here. No porridge or healthy breakfast cereals. Still, I got enough for a few lunches and easy dinners.

Think I'm all unpacked and settled in now. Kitchen cleaned too and orange squeezer and blender in place.

Course starts tomorrow. It looks an interesting group of 4 men and 8 women, aged from 22 to 53 and teaching experience from zilch to I think 23 years!

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