
By Arachne

Black and white in colour 1 - window

Recently I've found myself less and less engaged by most black and white (greyscale) images* and I'm not sure why. I know b&w is supposed to be better for shapes and I enjoy shapes, but I don't want them monochrome. It might be that my dodgy eyesight needs more information than b&w provides, or it could be something else. Today I experimented.

Since it was raining, it was a good day to find greyscale images and I took as many as I could find (before getting soaked) in colour. Back home I desaturated them and liked them less. Then I increased the colour saturation, as in this one, and liked the added depth.

What do you think? I'm going to do some more of this and if anyone feels like joining in either the colour b&w blipping or the conversation that would be great.

*Schuh's are a permanent exception.

Black and white in colour 1

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