Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

It's Cookie Time

It was a good day. It was really, really cold when I left for church in the morning but found myself sweating by the time I started home from breakfast. It has finally gotten into the mid-70's/23-ish.  I spent a little time with mom then headed over to Walgreen's.

I am a sucker for kids.
I am a sucker for Girl Scouts (I was one).
I am a total  sucker for Girl Scout cookies.
I am a sucker for instilling in girls the idea that they have power and can accomplish anything.

This little Cadet had a table set up outside of the store.  I messed around with her and her parents, joking and trying to show off my knowledge of scouting, like Juliette Low founding the organization in 1912. They were impressed, I was goofy.

I bought four boxes and headed home.  I was still dressed for a frigid morning, so I quickly threw on some shorts and walked to a few neighbor's houses giving away the cookies I bought.  Then I climbed back into the car, went back to the store and bought six more boxes from this GS cutie.  Before I left, I slipped a note to her dad with this well-known GS song to give her:

Make new friends
   but keep the old;
One is silver
    and the other's gold.

I gave away  all but two of the new boxes, even stopping strangers walking past my house in order to share the  'power of girls.'

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