
I met with Lorna today, we went to the Royal Botanic Garden  in Edinburgh, where despite the cold several shrubs were already starting to bloom including rhododendrons !! Beautiful gardens , very quiet and restful and lovely in the sun, this week unfortunately the glasshouses are closed for maintenance, so I certainly want to go back in May to see those too. Then off to Leith for lunch. On the way to the restaurants we saw this amazing ship and when the sun shone right on it Lorna coached me to clamber over a railing to get closer to the water and the reflections.

The painting on this ship, the MV Fingal, was part of the Edinburgh Arts Festival 2016, the design and painting by Ciara Phillips, forming part of the centenary commemorations of WW1. With this design Ciara is celebrating the role of British women in the First World War effort, apparently many female art students did help painting the ships with the  dazzle patterns. Dazzle is the name of the technique to paint ships in patterns that will confuse the enemy when they look at it through telescopes. See more about it here. Not that I knew anything about this when we saw the ship, it just looked so marvelous !

So instead of shooting from the hip and doing mono street photography for MonoMonday (sorry Marlieske) I opted for this photograph today.
Thank you very much for your kind comments, stars and even faves for yesterday's waves

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