Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

To photoshop or not

From out of the office window this morning saw this lovely damselfly... Not another damselfly shot, I hear you cry, and you all do them better than me. But I had to post this, I was so pleased with the camera - which you know I haven't had that long - and the shadows of the wings. This little fella really jumps out in large.

Anyway, as I was saying, here it was sitting on my garden furniture - first on the chair (does my bum look small in this?) then on the edge of the table, which is where I blipped it. The white patches remind me the garden furniture needs repainting and I probably should have photoshopped them out, they're distracting. In fact, I did photoshop them out, but for some reason PS seems to have gone funny on me - whenever I use it the shots look out of alignment - so I don't. Needle sharp when you zoom in, but furry at normal size. Can anyone tell me why this is? I would really like to know, it's annoying the c*** out of me!

At the same time, if anyone knows what type of damselfly it is, that would be good too.

Thanks so much for your reactions to yesterday's shot, your lovely comments, hearts and stars were very kind, lovely people. Enjoy (if not seize) the day!

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