Not Mono

It may look black and white, but this is a full color photograph. The day was kind of black... with a touch of white.

It began well with my wellness appointment with my doctor. I like her and we had a good discussion about all of the stresses in my life lately. She reinforced my decision to place Arvin at Silverado and prescribed an antibiotic for my continued cough. I like her very much so visits with her feel warm and supportive. My tests were all good with the exception of slightly elevated blood sugar. We are going to retest in six months. She and I both think that is probably about stress.

On the way home I stocked up on bird and cat food at the Farmers Coop. I puttered around the house and finally did the wash from my trip and before.

Then Steve came to take me to the retinologist's office. That's when things went down hill. To be honest I knew that my eye was not doing all that well. I could see something when I looked far right and sure enough, it was another tear in my retina. I had the option to do the same in office procedure I had already done with a 75% chance of working, or having surgery with a 95% chance. Since I had already had two times when the retina tear reoccured, I chose the surgery. I go in tomorrow evening some time. What I really don't like about this is having general anesthesia. That is really not good for the brain and I like mine just the way it is. I am not amused by the thought of losing a bit of mental acuity. But I am also not delighted with the thought of recurring eye procedures or worse, losing my eye. So... that is the black of the black and white day. 

After the surgery I need to sleep in an upright position and won't be able to see out of the eye for as much as two weeks. It throws a large monkey wrench into my life. I called Helena and she is going to find a way to take Arvin to the Music Club on Wednesday. I won't be going for sure. And Steve postponed his trip to Ashland, OR for a day so he can take me to the Surgery Center at the hospital. I don't expect I'll be able to drive for some time. I don't want to chance having no depth perception on top of being an older driver, so I'm thinking of taxi rides as a solution to that problem. I wish Helena drove, but she doesn't so that's just how it is. I do plan to ask friends to help drive me here and there too. That should help.

I hope to continue blipping during all of this but I may not. I realize that I am feeling a bit less compulsive about blipping now that I've got seven years under my belt. We shall see what I can see and how I feel tomorrow. I am going to go to Silverado in the morning to have a care plan conference and to see Arvin before I go out of commission for awhile. Did I need this? No! Do I like this? No! Do I want to keep on seeing with my right eye? You betcha! So I'm going ahead and doing what it takes to do that. (Or at least I hope so.) Life goes on.

And thank you all for the hearts and stars and comments on my flicker photograph yesterday. And thanks for sticking with me even though I hardly comment these days. Just too much happening.

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