In the Doghouse

I was so happy this afternoon because we went to see my very good friend B and her husband C. Yay! It's when we get out of the car and go over to check on the statue of the little girl and the rabbit that I know where we are. And I go nuts and start whining when we're still outside, because I know that there is a bowl up there filled with goodies, just waiting for - me!

Today's Alice menu: beef stew, smoked ham, yummy cheese and liver pâté. Pretty amazing! I also got lots of cuddles and a secret treat which was sharing C's ham sandwich without mum knowing. The humans talked and talked and then had very nice fika. It was a great visit.

Ahem. Until...well, I couldn't help it really... There was half of a marzipan cake left on the table. Mum got up and forgot to put the chair back under the table. Put the two together and you get the picture. Mum was SO embarrassed.


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