Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

Three Months

Mummy, daddy, Eli and me,
We've somehow made it to month number three.
I'm placid and quiet and such a delight,
Even if I still don't settle till late at night.
But the real reason for this, you see,
Is that I like it when it's just mummy and me.
Our days are busy and can seem so long,
But Eli entertains us by breaking into song.
I'm getting so big, I weigh 13 pounds 5!
Thanks to mummy's boobies for keeping me alive.
I've found my voice, I'm full of ga's and goo's,
And we've lost count of the number of explosive poo's.
We never know what will happen in any one day,
But we wouldn't have it any other way.
So we'll continue on our journey to month number four.
We cannot wait to see what's in store!

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