
2years 312days

No, you are not imaging things. No, this is not a backblip. We truly are, in this late August bank holiday photo, sledging in real snow. We had a wonderful time too!! (I apologise for the poor photo, even the guy from the centre taking them apologised for it).

We pottered out in town this morning doing a couple of jobs, before meeting a friend and driving over to the Xscape indoor snow centre at Castleford. We were a little early, which gave us time to picnic in the sunshine, in summer tops and sandals, before heading in to wrap up in snowsuits, boots and full winter warmers. Katie was SOOOO excited. One of our jobs this morning had been to drop off a file at nursery and she'd told the staff about going to the snowing. I wondered how she would be, as it was her first time on a solo sledge, on a proper slope. She loved it. Giggled and shrieked the whole way down. I went down alongside her, like this, each time, holding her handle. After a couple of turns she was telling me off for doing so! (I held her sneakily from the back, although she spotted me occasionally). She loved playing in the snow, attempting to eat it, and mountaineering (to her, in her relatively short stature) up the slope again. She was racing round to do as many as possible in our time! We had a fantastic time.

After getting dried off and changed, we had booked tickets to go see the new Disney movie, Brave. Katie enjoyed it, but wasnt totally feeling the love for it until I bought a bag of popcorn. Suddenly she was sitting happily, stuffing herself with yummy popcorn and enjoying the film!

We had a little wander in a couple of shops in the outlet centre (£190 worth of Monsoon dresses for Mummy, for £10! Well happy!) before a quick treat tea in Burger King, and my little lady snuggled into her carseat and went to sleep.

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