October 4th Journal


The Name Committee

Although Icelanders are very free thinking spirits in allowing gay people to get married, having children and such - they are very obsolete in other things - like name giving.
There is a special committee that decides who can have what name and so on...

This beautiful girl, now 15 years old, was baptized Blær (Gentle breeze) - the priest didn't consult with the committee and later phoned and wanted to change the name. All her life her mother has been fighting for her daughter to bear that name and there are precedents for women to bear it, though it is a male name - strange. In the meantime she bears the name Stúlka = Girl.

Now she is going to sue the minister of home affairs and if that does not work she will take it to the european human rights court - and we hope she will win and we will get rid of this stupid committee.

And this reminds me that some 4o years ago you could take your mother's family name and I wanted to do that. The name was Dahlmann and I was hoping to get the initials JADE - but it was denied on the argument that it was to long - for the computer at that time - maybe I should considder...

By the way - that is my new flat screen TV.

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