Crack the code

The curtains saga finally came to an end today with the ultimately successful fixing of the valence with a different rail, different hooks and a  lot of patient and not so patient fiddling. They now look good. Don't anyone mention the words "curtains and taking down or new" in the same phrase for a good length of time. That's what these lettered cushions are saying.

On the basis of the completion of the curtains challenge today was largely a successful day although we did miss out on a bookcase we'd seen in a charity shop yesterday. We called in to buy it after the gym this morning to find it had been sold in the meantime. In the end we looked at Ikea and found a Billy bookcase for £18, now we're trying to work out whether it will cost us more than the £7.50 delivery charge to go and get it from the other side of the Thames in Essex. It's only to go under the stairs, it is purely functional so doesn't have to be expensive or stylish.

Don't forget the blipmeet on 1st March in the Lakes. Meet at Aira Force on the shores of Ullswater at 10.30am. More details on the activities page.

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