Spot the odd one out

Half day in Grenada, the Spice Island of the Caribbean.
 We ditch the official tours and take a taxi up to the Allandale Waterfalls and on to the rain forest to view the Grand Etang volanco  now a lake and the main source of fresh water for the island.
Re. photo- this colourful trio invited me to join them. For once my gaudy orange sundress did not look out of place.
Cruise news
The guy at next table remarked to the waiter how much he had enjoyed his dinner whereupon the waiter said:
“Would you like another another?”
“Yes” he said.
And he ate a second dinner.
Got chatting to an elderly couple at the Allandale Wateralls.
“What ship are you on?” I ask handing back their camera after taking their photo.
“We’re not. We have a yacht. “

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