Swinging Bonaire

Donkeys, diving and flamingos- yes that is what this Dutch island is famous for though we got to see none of this because our time in port was limited to the morning.
Those who were very keen to see the donkey sanctuary etc. were up and out by 8am. The rest of us strolled through the town, soaking up the atmosphere, buying “stuff”, in M case a sunhat since he had managed to come here without one and I acquired a sundress for 10 dollars (about £8 given present exchange rates).  A number of Dutch artists though have moved to the island. Unfortunately they all turn out the same bright garish paintings.
The ship parked next to us, another of those giant monsters of the sea, had a 60s party night coming up and their passengers were busy buying themselves floral gear.
One man, a most unlikely former hippy, held up a lurid Hawaiian shirt and shorts asking us if they were suitable.  We nodded.
I doubt if his local golf club would have recognized him. They would have banned him instantly.

Life on board ship
That brings me to what men get up to on cruises.
Drinking my cup of green tea this morning while admiring the ocean waves I happened to glance upwards. There was a man of indeterminate age wearing a floppy fisherman’s hat doing something normally associated with boys in their bedrooms.
I was astonished.  Next time I looked he was still at it only now an elderly woman on the balcony above me was watching him.  She was even more astonished. I would say shocked.
Who is he? I have kept an eye out for that hat all day. It was quite distinctive.

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