Along Came Sylvie

By victoriapg

Date Day

With their wedding anniversary fast approaching, mummy and daddy were going out on their first date since my arrival. I stayed at home. Haha, just kidding. Of course I was going with them.

Last night was an unusually restless one for me which meant that mummy was sporting big cracking bags under her eyes today. Enjoy gazing lovingly into those daddy!

With Eli safely deposited in granda's care, the three of us headed to Glasgow for lunch. We had a lovely afternoon and mummy and daddy enjoyed one uninterrupted course out of three. You're welcome! We headed home to pick up Eli who had kept granda entertained all day with his toddler antics.

I enjoyed my first date with mummy and daddy today. It was nice for them to do something together. 'See, nothing much changes when you have kids', I said as I climbed into bed beside them for the night.

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