One Love

I wasn't going to blip this ( I was going to blip this ) but having walked past this as the paint was drying on my way home, I couldn't resist.

I've added an extra with a close up of the idiot, which was still getting some more coats of orange added.

Walked 13,782 steps so far today, the bulk of which was the long walk in and out of town; but it saved me the grief of trying to park near Corn Street; and it will have done me good.

I need to get rid of some fat, not overweight, but I am overfat.

Keep the walking going, and later in the year I may increase it to some running!

Been using the fitbit for 15 days now, and so far racked up 79.8 miles.

Quite chuffed at that.

There are some benefits on not being able to park near the client's office, and having to walk in each day from a not-so-nearby carpark!

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