François Durafour

No blue sky after the snow, but horror of horrors - rain. No filters applied to this, that's just how grey the day was.So a gentle walk and then another in this increasingly complex series of exam questions done, brain tired now.

St Gervais les Bains is, by any measure, a beautiful town. Sure, like every ski resort, there's a few buildings it could afford to lose - but its kept the fantastic 19th Century buildings and all of its charm.
One (small) blight on my wander in to town used to be the property developer billboard advert on the end of this building - but today i saw this wonderful mural has taken its place. It celebrates the spectacular feat of landing a plane on the plateau of the Dome du Gouter (somewhere Ive slept a few times) the third highest mountain in the French Alps. It would be audacious today, but in 1921, by bi-plane, it grabbed the imagination of a nation, and made young Francois, a feted WW1 pilot (officer of the Order of Honour) a folk hero. I think its a great addition to the town.

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