Dress Codes

There are a lot of days when I would love to take off my wings, hang them on the back of my chair and start hurling orange segments about the place. 

My self imposed news ban means that I am often reading about the latest insanity in Washington from a Blipper in Ireland. A far better way, I might add. Today I had to laugh at the comments  Freespiral recieved in response to her musing  on whether Trump would consider her dressed 'like a woman' . 

Check out the extra, if you like, for my standard attire. I just finished knitting the hat for my niece in New York. 

It rained all night. It has been raining all day. OilMan I just turned on the evening news and I hear the weatherman saying, "in Santa Rosa it rained all night and there is NOWHERE for the water to go.".We have filled every available place to put water, so whatever is coming down now will just run off and won't do any good".  OilMan and I walked down to look at the creek and I can say unequivocally that a lot of it is going there....

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