Fallen Toddler

It was too cold to take two cameras out today and play around with changing lenses etc. so that will have to wait till another day.

I tried to take some night pics last night and after a while I changed the white balance to Tungstan to see if it would make a difference. It made a small difference then but it did today when I was at the park. Until I remembered, the pictures came out with a blue tinge. This pic is straight off the camera with a crop. It was taken into the sun with the metering set on spot. Because the the young girl was in her own shadow and she was dark, everything behind her got blown. I liked it because it wasn't a 'nice' picture.

She fell over a couple of times but she laughed and laughed. She also had an adult's wrist guards on so it was a bit hard for her to get up and down and up and down.

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