
By murderlegend

Falling to Pieces

Yesterday wasn't easy for me. I felt alone again, I'm worried about continuing my treatment, I'm worried about running out of the meds that stop my panic attacks, I was stuck just sitting here wondering what to do. Everything is the same, nothing has changed. They all want to say they'll be there for you when you're in a psych ward, but the minute you're out... it's like where the fuck did all those people go? 
I've included a link to a song because it's fitting for me today. 
Although I was upset and depressed yesterday and in the whole "what's the point?" mood, that was immediately alleviated by listening to music and playing bass. I'm learning "Leave Me Alone" by Fidlar. Everything after the chorus is harder to learn, but I'm getting there. I'm hoping I can use positive energy through music. 
I need to stop focusing on Dustin and other things...I need to focus on keeping myself happy and sane. That's hard to do sometimes, isn't it?
I'm working 64 hours from Wed. to Wed. They told me to take it easy, but at this point I really don't have a choice, now, do I? After work today I'm going to Monarch and a doctor to try to find the help that I need. My sister is loaning me money to help me out as well. 

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