A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Castle rock showing just the slightest hint of the snow we had earlier in the day.

Today felt a lot better - a decent night's sleep really does make all the difference! Despite parts of the week feeling quite long, Friday seemed to rolled around quickly enough. After sorting out various wee bits, including starting to prep for a presentation next month, I had a very brief end of day chat with my manager. She had some good feedback from PIs in response to work that I had done for her as part of a bigger project and has some new tasks coming up for me which should be ready to go next week. I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into something different. It's always good to end the working week looking forward to the next :)

Rainbows was particularly lovely. I had been feeling a little underwhelmed about it beforehand but the girls were on fine form which is always contagious. They listened incredibly well to my talk and all let their individual creativity run during the craft Kat had prepared - that's often one of my favourite things to see!

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