A MIMent In Time

By justmim

As Saturday's go, this has been a good one.

I woke up before my alarm after a solid sleep then returned to my bed with porridge and a cuppa. Which was a delight.

After a strangely peaceful grocery trip (it turns out 9am is the time to go to Sainsbury's) and once the rain had eased off a bit I went into town to return a dress and pay a visit to Paperchase.

Now that they're demolishing the St James centre it's only possible to get out of John Lewis by Leith Street. So, to avoid Saturday afternoon Princes Street as much as possible, I decided to walk from there along Queen Street to get to Paperchase. Walking that way meant passing the Portrait Gallery, somewhere I haven't been for a long time. One of the exhibitions that they were advertising caught my eye and I went in. I ended up really enjoying that and one of the other current exhibitions. I am no art aficionado but I do like portraiture and there were some phenomenal skills on display.

Sometimes I forget I have this amazing city full of places to explore right on my doorstep. So it was nice to revisit such a fab space. I really have to remember to try to make the most of it before it's too late!

After a few hours of sorting through old paperwork, it was time for a flat night in - takeaway, movies & a good ol' natter.

Just like that, Saturday is over!

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