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By pplnani

One Miserable Bird

Thank you so much for all the condolences and messages of support yesterday, they were all greatly appreciated.

I have turned off my comments at the moment as my journal might get a bit lachrymose.........please don't feel you have to read's as much for my benefit as anything.......I will turn them back on again when I have started to put myself back together and have something a bit more cheerful to say.

I really wanted to go for a walk to get some fresh air but it's so cold, damp, grey and miserable out there, I just couldn't face it.
I'm trying to keep busy but every time I walk past Ed's empty bed I break down again ( I should probably put it away somewhere but the glaring empty space would be much worse).........hubby is as bad, if not worse than me and we spend a lot of time sobbing in each others arms.
I have tried to distract myself with a long hot shower and making some pear, apricot and teardrop muffins for the freezer but nothing works.
I don't feel up to leaving comments on your journals just now, sorry,  but I will still look at them and sprinkle a few stars and hearts.

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