Pet white

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Really, it was. So windy today, am surprised I got any macro photography at all. But this large white butterfly literally didn't bat an eyelid (if he had any eyelids that is!), there were annoying leaves & stems blowing in his direction, so I removed them right in front of him & he didn't eveb move an inch. I stuck the lens in his face for a good 30 minutes or so trying to get a still clear shot in-between wind gusts.... this is what blip does to you, it gives you patience, persistence, it also drives you stark raving mad/bonkers, but then, I've always suffered from the latter....

As for Larry, he wasn't photogenic at all, so I took a photo of his stand in:

Ollie at home

Yesterday was a sad day, today has been worse. I was home alone as haven't been feeling too wonderful of late & my dad had to go out. Wandering around the house, feeling my mum in every room, it's so hard. And this morning I finally got the dream I was dreading - as before they've all featured her happy & holding me - this time she was away from me & I was talking to her on the phone, she sounded distant & in distress & I couldn't get to her, I couldn't even find next door's number to ask them to check on her... it was a terrible feeling, I couldn't take away her sadness, her pain, her distress, I felt useless in her suffering as I couldn't make any of it better nor make any of it go away. When I finally woke up I was sobbing. And I haven't felt right ever since. It's really upset me. And the wind didn't help, the frustrating part of macro photography & also the fact I took so many photos to try & compensate for it & had to sort more out then usual. Life is so so tough right now & I feel so so alone. xxxx

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