Garage guest

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I was woken up by my dad this morning telling me there was a hedgehog asleep in the garage. He then told me that all was well, he had put it in a box & left it in the dark there. Not so long after, the hedgehog had gone. We both decided he had left the garage & gone into the hedge, as there was no sign of him in the garage.

We went out at 2pm & came back over an hour later. That's when I heard the scuffling sounds. I couldn't quite make out where they were coming from. Then I noticed the rubbish bin moving.... my Dad had thrown many empty bird seed sacks in the bin this morning, not realising that one contained that *very* hedgehog!!!

And so came the great hedgehog rescue... well, call that putting on thick gloves & taking the hog gently out of the bin & carrying him through to the corner of the garden where I knew they live. My dad did the honours. First he rolled himself into the tightest of balls & then he relaxed in my dad's hands & his little face, nose, whiskers, tired eyes, peeped out of his prickles & thus gave me this shot. I could have filled his face with kisses, but I guess my lips would have been spiked! :)

As for Larry:

As time goes by

The moral of the hog story, always check the things you throw away, as something special might be hiding inside... so glad he made a *thing* of it & didn't die of fright... just think of that, oops! xxxx

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