Luís's Liturgy

Decided to go hear our landlord recite mass today in Mourão's main church, up in the castle walls - that's him in the green vestments serving the bread.

Enjoyed the service, and his 17 minute sermon, based on the Sermon on the Mount - clear, relevant, personal and Bible based. Also liked the way so many folk were involved in the service, singing or reading or taking the offering. About 70 people there, mostly women, though a few younger men in the music group, which included a guitar. After the service, the children went through to where the priest had gone, and came back, happily carrying some sort of card.

Wasn't sure about the manners of taking a photo, so this was very quick, while folk were queueing up to take the bread. Also no idea what they thought of us being there - we're obvious outsiders, not even knowing how to cross ourselves, but folk gave us friendly handshakes during the Peace.

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