The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

What a difference a day makes

...And the difference is sunshine! Glorious to see it again after being holed up, in my dressing gown, like Badger in The Wind in the Willows.

I defrosted the freezer (odious task, but great to be reunited with some food again, even if the lone mackerel fillet failed to spark joy in either of us). Decided against walking to the rehab as my rucksack contained eight pains au chocolat, six extra books, six glass jars, and a DVD player!

Found myself up against a challenging student, but I think we both managed ourselves well. One of the preconceptions about aromatherapy is that it's all about lovely scents, and that they will be handed to students on a dish, in a rehab version of the day spa experience. No participation will be required, beyond actually turning up. Sorry, folks...

Back home, it's the freezer round two, and wondering what's on the To Do list. Quite a lot. I'll try to be a bit philosophical about it all. How much if it actually matters?

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