
After work today, I wandered downtown to visit the bank and the post office. I passed this planter of winter greens grown by the lovely people of  Incredible Edible Dumfries, who were hard at work digging new beds up at the museum this morning. 

Vegetables must have been on my mind when I was browsing in the bookshop later on and saw that Nigel Slater's book "Tender" vol 1 was selling at £20 off the RRP...It's a book I've wanted for a while, so I snapped it up. Then, suitably inspired, I walked down to our friendly local greengrocer, Parry farm Produce to buy some of the real thing. There were even some courgettes.... I know there are lots of nice British veg in season right now, but I have been missing courgettes.

On my way back past the planters, I picked a little sprig of rosemary. My favourite herb and my middle name :-)

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