Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Tiny Porch Swing

The foreground interest thing is a wee porch swing that's actually a bird feeder. It's the one the wren thinks belongs to him, but lately the titmice have been hogging it. The wide part isn't very wide, but I hope it'll do.

On Saturday I'll be off to Costa Rica again! I'm going on the same birding trip I went on last year - which is to say, the same guides - but different places will be visited. I decided I had to do it again because this year we're visiting a place where a fellow rescues Macaws and I really needed to see that. Can't wait! 

Also - I got my final rabies vaccination yesterday, and I have received my certificate in the mail from the VDGIF (Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries) as a "Category IV Rehabber" so I am now legal at The Wildlife Center as a volunteer able to handle any and everything! I was never able to handle mammals before because of the rabies thing - but the VDGIF says we HAVE to be vaccinated now so... Mind you, it was NOT cheap. Almost $1000 to get the vaccination series (three shots), and insurance won't cover it as it's not "medically necessary." Pfft. But now I can hold bears - so I figure it's worth it. And opossums, squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, bats, foxes, coyotes, bobcats (bobcats!) etc too. But... BEARS!! 

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