Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


As it happens, conveniently for todays Abstract Thursday theme, I will be traveling this weekend! So there is a suitcase, and a backpack and a jacket and some shoes sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor as the incremental job of packing happens. I have to keep the suitcase zipped up because we have this stinkbug situation that means once they get in the house they are always looking for cosy places to winter in. An open suitcase full of clothes and stuff would be very tempting - and I have no desire to open my suitcase at my destination and release Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs into a place they haven't yet invaded! As I said yesterday, I am leaving at stupid o'clock on Saturday morning and heading to Costa Rica. The same trip I went on last year - but different hotels and parks and places to bird in. Fun will be had!

This shot was faffed and fartnarkled - using an app I have on my phone called "Paint Can." It's an Adobe product. I notice that the app helpfully added an entire string of tags to this post! I have deleted several of them, but left the rest. Seriously Adobe, calm down!

The little pink and blue thing in the thumbnail is a pair of sock stuck in my sandals. I will wear socks onto the plane and take them off before deplaning in HOT weather. Plan ahead!

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