
As a formerly urban being, I am always pretty excited when I realize that we now have plants that actually produce fruits and vegetables that we can actually eat. As life becomes more complicated and surreal, as it becomes more difficult to know what is true and what isn't , I become more invested in what I can believe with my own eyes and what I have created with my own hands. We didn't exactly create these oranges, but under OilMan's care this little tree continues to produce delicious, juicy oranges. The lush looking green plants in the box behind the oranges are fava beans...another sure fire crop which never fails to please..

We  are expecting two more storms in the next two days.News revelations come faster than we can keep up. I think my brain has become waterlogged. The combination of the resulting voluntary news blackouts and  bad weather have not helped me to get a grasp on reality...whatever that is. For the time being I'm  staking my sanity on  what I can see with my own eyes like the oranges that continue to grow for us as long as we take care of them.

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