Good people

I bid goodbye to David and Margery last night and didn’t expect to see them again this trip, but this morning I heard from their publicist, wondering if I had other photos of the presentation. I didn’t. Caught up in hearing and experiencing, I had taken few and hadn’t thought much about those. (I find I really can’t listen and take photographs at the same time. Maybe others are better at that.) They were presenting again tonight, in a church in a little town to the north of Portland.

In order to get there I had to drive for an hour and a quarter in rush hour traffic in a heavy rain storm, but it was worth it to see all the good people who showed up. The people who chose to come listen to a book-talk about white supremacy on a rainy night are extraordinary. They care about justice, they are willing to look at their own privilege and at racism, and they are committed to doing all they can to dismantle the system of inequity that our country is built on. They asked good questions, and I felt proud to be among them. My love for humanity is completely restored--and I expect anyone’s would be, looking at these faces. 

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