Ashton Canal

Another day of driving, but this time without the Minx. Firstly, up to Penrith for a meeting with a potential client. I'm not sure much will come of it but I always enjoy learning about businesses. It's funny how you find such similarities between ostensibly different organisations and yet companies in the same sector can run so differently.

After that it was a couple of hours down to Manchester to meet Hannah for a her birthday. Firstly to her flat to drop off her present from me and her mum (our first joint present for about twenty years!) and then into the Northern Quarter to meet up with Charlie and - surprise! - the Minx and miniMinx.

We had an excellent meal before we all set off again. Charlie to prepare a Valentine dinner for some friends, Hannah getting ready to go out, the Minx off to a meeting (despite being on leave) and the miniMinx and I to drive back up to Kirkby Lonsdale. Hannah, the miniMinx and I walked back to where I'd parked the car by the New Islington tram stop. Hannah suggested we go along by the canal, which I really loved. Sudden urge to buy a narrow boat and moor it there :-)

-3.3kg Oh dear. A weekend away, 0.7kg back on.

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