Two trees... acrylics.

I started with the background first, and the kind of misted sun we keep getting at the moment. I didn't plan the rest, I just started painting a bit of foreground at the very bottom, and then the trees grew...

I used a large one inch flat brush, a tiny brush, and a make up sponge. Colours were Pthalo blue, burnt sienna, scarlet, naples yellow, and white.

Previous to this I was using paynes grey a lot. It is a bluey dark grey, and I like it. However, by accident, I found by mixing various dark blues (one at a time) with burnt sienna creates different blue-greys.

I do need to sit down one day and try different ways of mixing greys. I like to find stuff like this out for myself, rather than by printed instructions etc or looking at colour mixing charts. I do have quite a big thick book (somewhere) on all this colour mixing. There is nothing wrong with the book, it is probably a very good book. It is is like I have gone back to school to learn (which I hated), so I closed the book the first time I opened it and tried a colour mixing a colour, but frustration rose up so strongly at doing this methodical way of colour mixing, that I put it away at the back of somewhere. That was many years ago.

I am happiest totally finding out stuff my way, and just playing with colour.

So here are my trees for my challenge to myself of a pic a day every day in 2017.

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